Smart Agriculture

  • The adoption of Internet of Things (IoT), related technologies in the smart farming domain is rapidly emerging.
  • The ultimate goal is to collect, monitor, and effectively employ relevant data for agricultural processes, with the purpose of achieving an optimized and more environmentally sustainable agriculture.
  • A low-cost, modular, and Long-Range Wide-Area Network (LoRaWAN) based IoT platform, denoted as "LoRaWAN-based Smart Farming Modular IoT Architecture" (LoRaFarM), and aimed at improving the management of generic farms in a highly customizable way, is presented.
  • The platform, built around a core middleware, is easily extensible with ad-hoc low-level modules (feeding the middleware with data coming from the sensors deployed in the farm) or high-level modules (providing advanced functionalities to the farmer).
  • Collected environmental data (air/soil temperature and humidity) related to the growth of farm products (namely grapes and greenhouse vegetables) over a period of three months. A web-based visualization tool for the collected data is also presented, to validate the LoRaFarM architecture.

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Our optimised solution toolkit consists of:

  • Temperature and humidity sensor:Temperature and humidity sensors are designed to accurately detect ambient air temperature or humidity and use air flow to measure levels. It can be used in both outdoor and indoor settings.
  • Wind speed and direction sensor: measures wind speed, wind direction and tilt. With no moving parts, this smart device can provide accurate readings even at low wind speeds.
  • Soil sensor: This all-in-one sensor gathers and sends data of the soil, which includes soil temperature, salinity, pH and EC of the soil.
  • Fluid level sensor: This is used to keep constant track of water levels in storage tanks for irrigation.
  • Location trackers: It is used to track the location of objects they are attached to. It can extend to tracking machineries and equipment to tracking livestock.
  • Node: The sensor id connected to the node. Its plays the role of connecting the physical world to the internet. It sends and receives data wirelessly from the gateway.
  • Gateway: Acts as the bridge/path connecting the end devices to the internet. The gateway receives data from the nodes and sends it to the network server.

Our web-based, easy-to-use diagnosis software being infinitely scalable, and its web -based nature allows easy access for anywhere. Providing clear insights to data like temperature, humidity, tank water levels, soil pH, salinity, wind speed and direction, soil temperature, soil moisture, battery levels. With clear visualization in easy-to-read insights, there can be automation of efficied irrigation cycles and fertilization routines.

At Joining Objects, team of expert engineers trained to understand business objectives, providing optimized solutions to support your agricultural operations. From optimized solution planning to solution implementation, we got you covered.

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