Smart City

  • Smart Street Lighting : Managing street lights across a city.
  • Smart Waste Bin Management : Remotely monitoring waste-bins and ensure optimal pickup schedules.
  • Water Quality Management : Tracking quality of water in water tanks across the city.
  • Smart Plugs : Remote monitoring of power outlets to enable accurate and proactive diagnosis of potential failures.
  • Building & Campus Management : Centrallay monitoring and managing building management assets such as locks, lights, HVACs, parking solutions, air conditioners etc.
  • Temperature / Humidity Sensors : Solutions that help in tracking weather data across a city or large campus.

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Our optimised solution toolkit consists of:

  • Smart water meter: In the current scenario, the majority of water meters used are mechanical meters. The LoRa device attached to the meter makes it a smart meter, which automatically monitors the reading and sends them to the server. The frequency at which the reading can also be set, to send readings on a daily basis or as required.
  • Smart electric meter: Electric meter used to measure the electricity, gas, and water that are utilized in an interval of time. Our smart meter reads and stores in a fraction of seconds live refresh through our web application.
  • Valve sensor: The valve sensor senses the present status inside the chamber, detecting the manhole's current temperature, humidity, and flow status.
  • Float sensor: Float Sensor plays the role of detecting the chamber's current temperature, humidity, and status of min and max flow inside the chamber.
  • Node: The sensor is connected to the node, playing the role of connecting the physical world to the internet. It also records the temperature and humidity data.
  • Gateway: Acts as the bridge/path connecting the end devices to the internet.

Our web-based, easy-to-use diagnosis software is infinitely scalable. Its web-based nature allows easy access from anywhere, and updates are automatically rolled to minimize downtime and maximize value. Providing clear insights to data like temperature, humidity, water pressure, water level, battery levels.

At Joining Objects, a team of expert engineers is trained to understand business objectives, providing optimized solutions to support urban development and maintenance operations. From optimized solution planning to installation, we've got you covered.

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